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Geometry and Local Recovery of Global Minima of Two-layer Neural Networks at Overparameterization

2024-07-09 13:13:28



主持人: 理论科学研究院 魏传豪

主讲人:上海交通大学 罗涛

报告主题:Geometry and Local Recovery of Global Minima of Two-layer Neural Networks at Overparameterization

报告摘要: In this talk, we investigate the geometry of the loss landscape for two-layer neural networks in the vicinity of global minima. Utilizing novel techniques, we demonstrate: (i) how global minima with zero generalization error become geometrically separated from other global minima as the sample size grows; and (ii) the local convergence properties and rate of gradient flow dynamics. Our results indicate that two-layer neural networks can be locally recovered in the regime of overparameterization.