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2023-04-04 08:39:14




Speaker: 简旺键,中国科学院

Title: A new Harnack estimate on Ricci flow and its application in Fano Kahler-Ricci flow

Abstract: We will first review Perelman’s proof of the scalar curvature and diameter estimates for the Fano Kahler-Ricci flow, which is the foundation of the resolution of the Hamilton-Tian conjecture. Then we will present a new approach of Perelman’s result, which use the new work of Bamler. Finally, we will extend this new result to a new Harnack estimate on general Ricci flow background. This is joint work with Tian and Song.


Speaker: 邓宇星,北京理工大学

Title: Structure at infinity for shrinking ricci solitons

Abstract: In this talk, we will talk about Munteanu and Wang's paper "structure at infinity for shrinking ricci solitons" (see Ann. Sci. ENS,2019). We will mainly talk about the asymptotic geometry of 4D shrinking soliton whose scalar curcature has a positive lower bound.


Speaker: 赵子颐,北京大学

Title: On Kahler Ricci Shrinker Surface

Abstract: Recently, Bing Wang and Yu Li have provided a complete classification of all Kahler Ricci shrinker surfaces (arXiv:2301.09784).  In particular, they prove a Kahler type canonical neighborhood theorem, then they get the bound for scalar curvature,  which implies the bound for sectional curvature, at last they can get the classification of all Kahler Ricci shrinker surfaces  with earlier work by many authors.