Logarithmic ddbar-lemma and several geometric applications

2024-12-24 14:47:14


ZOOM ID: 962 3094 8410

PASSCODE: 846653

主持人:Xin Fu, ITS

主讲人:Runze Zhang, Université Côte d'Azur & Wuhan University

报告主题:Logarithmic ddbar-lemma and several geometric applications

报告摘要:In this series of three talks, I will present our recent results on a ddbar lemma on compact Kähler manifolds for logarithmic differential forms valued in the dual of a certain pseudo-effective line bundle, which confirms a conjecture proposed by X. Wan.

I will also discuss several applications, including strengthened results by H. Esnault and E. Viehweg on the degeneracy of the spectral sequence at the $E_1$-stage for projective manifolds associated with the logarithmic de Rham complex, and by L. Katzarkov, M. Kontsevich, and T. Pantev on the unobstructed locally trivial deformations of a projective generalized log Calabi–Yau pair with some weights. Both results are extended to the broader context of compact Kähler manifolds.

Furthermore, I will outline the Kähler version of an injectivity theorem originally formulated by F. Ambro in the algebraic setting. Notably, while O. Fujino also addressed the Kähler case, our proof takes a different approach, avoiding relia\nce on the theory of mixed Hodge structures for cohomology with compact support.