主持人:Xin Fu, ITS
主讲人:Xilun Li, Peking University
报告主题:The Hull-Strominger System and Pluriclosed Flow
报告摘要:In this talk, I will first introduce the Hull-Strominger system, which plays a key role in heterotic string theory and nonKahler Calabi-Yau geometry. Then I will show the string algebroid pluriclosed flow, which is an extension of pluriclosed flow, may provide a method to construct solutions of Hull-Strominger system. Finally I will give some regularity and convergence results of the string algebroid pluriclosed flow.
[1] Mario Garcia-Fernandez, Raul Gonzalez Molina, Jeffrey Streets, Pluriclosed Flow and the Hull-Strominger System, arxiv:2408.11674.