代数几何研讨班丨Limits of Hodge structures via D-modules

2021-11-23 09:03:27


ZOOM会议号:851 1890 5999



主讲人:石溪大学 陈钱钰博士

报告题目:Limits of Hodge structures via D-modules


Qianyu Chen is a PhD student at Stony Brook University. He is interested in Algebraic geometry. Specifically, he studies Hodge theory and D-modules.


It is well-known that each cohomology group of compact K\"ahler manifold carries a Hodge structure. If we consider a degeneration of compact K\"ahler manifolds over a disk then it is natural to ask how the Hodge structures of smooth fibers degenerate. When the degeneration only allows a reduced singular fiber with simple normal crossings (i.e. semistable), Steenbrink constructed the limit of Hodge structure algebraically. A consequence of the existence of the limit of Hodge structure is the local invariant cycle theorem: the cohomology classes invariant under monodromy action come from the cohomology classes of the total space. In this talk, Dr. Chen will try to explain a method using D-modules to construct the limit of Hodge structure even when the degeneration is not semistable.