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同伦论研讨班丨A categorial study of graph colorings

2022-06-20 10:04:36



ZOOM会议号867 9822 9963


主持人:西湖大学理论科学研究院 古星博士

主讲人:西交利物浦大学 刘晔博士

报告题目:A categorial study of graph colorings


Dr. Ye Liu obtained his PhD from Hokkaido University in 2016. Now he is an assistant professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. His research interest is the mathematics around hyperplane arrangements, especially related topology and combinatorics.


The chromatic polynomial of a finite simple graph is one of the most important invariants of the graph. Using the concept combinatorial species by Joyal, we introduce a categorification of chromatic polynomial, called chromatic species. After presenting a formula of the chromatic species up to categorial equivalence in terms of stable partitions of the graph, we discuss some new enumerative results as well as some further questions. Joint work with Masahiko Yoshinaga (Osaka University).