Westlake Math Colloquium第三十期 | Zhe Chen: On orbits and generic higher Deligne--Lusztig representations

2023-01-05 09:53:32



ZOOM ID: 947 3483 6952

PASSCODE: 297899

主持人: 理论科学研究院 关力凡博士

主讲人汕头大学 陈哲博士

讲座主题On orbits and generic higher Deligne--Lusztig representations


In this talk we would like to discuss an algebraisation problem in the representation theory of (connected) reductive groups over discrete valuation rings. This includes, in particular, an induction formula of higher level Deligne--Lusztig representations, which in turn implies that these geometrically constructed representations are all in regular semisimple orbits. This is based on a joint work in progress with Stasinski.