Westlake Math Colloquium第三十一期 | Chen Jiang: An upper bound for polynomial log-volume growth of automorphisms of zero entropy

2023-02-28 10:31:24



主持人: 理论科学研究院 魏传豪博士

主讲人: 复旦大学 江辰博士

主讲人简介:Chen Jiang is a young investigator at Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences at Fudan University since 2019. He has been working on birational geometry of algebraic varieties. He is interested in topics related to Minimal Model Program and properties of minimal varieties and Fano varieties.

讲座主题An upper bound for polynomial log-volume growth of automorphisms of zero entropy

讲座摘要: For an automorphism f of a smooth projective variety X, Gromov introduced the log-volume growth of f and showed that it coincides with the algebraic/topological entropy of f. In order to study automorphisms of zero entropy, Cantat and Paris-Romaskevich introduced polynomial log-volume growth of f (plov for short) which turns out to be closely related to the Gelfand—Kirillov dimension of the twisted homogeneous coordinate ring associated with (X, f). We show an optimal upper bound that plov(f) is at most d^2, where d is the dimension of X. This affirmatively answers questions of Cantat--Paris-Romaskevich and Lin--Oguiso--Zhang. This is joint work with Fei Hu.