Westlake Math Colloquium第三十七期 | Zhehui Wang: A Bernstein type theorem and its stability for minimal graphs over convex domains

2023-04-11 15:58:04



主持人:理论科学研究院 陈国度博士

主讲人中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 王哲辉博士

讲座主题A Bernstein type theorem and its stability for minimal graphs over convex domains


In this talk, we will study global behaviors of minimal graphs over convex domains. We will first recall a Bernstein type theorem in unbounded convex domains in any dimension. Then, we will prove a stability type theorem which is related to it. This talk is based on joint works with Nick Edelen, and with Guosheng Jiang and Jintian Zhu.