Westlake Math Colloquium第四十四期 |Xing Gu: Dickson algebra and the Chern classes of conjugation representations

2023-10-18 10:50:37



主讲人:Xing Gu, Westlake University

讲座主题:Dickson algebra and the Chern classes of conjugation representations


Let PGL(n) denote the complex projective linear group of rank n. The conjugation action of PGL(n) on n by n matrices gives a representation of PGL(n) which we call the conjugation representation. For a prime number p and q=p^r, the Dickson invariants are the elements in the algebra F_q(x_1,\to,x_n) invariant under the action of GL(n;F_q). For n = p^l, we present a description of the Chern classes of the conjugation representation in terms of Dickson invariants, and discuss some of its consequences.