主持人:Thierry De Pauw, ITS
主讲人:Jérôme Buzzi, Université Paris Saclay
主讲人简介:Jérôme Buzzi works in dynamics, especially in the ergodic theory of smooth dynamical systems. He is a senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), currently in Orsay after positions in Dijon, Marseilles, and Ecole polytechnique. He was a student at Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. He received his Ph.D from Université Paris-Sud in 1995.
讲座主题:Smooth surface dynamics in positive entropy
It was noticed by Newhouse that general surface diffeomorphisms in positive entropy exhibit properties similar to the hyperbolicity of Anosov-Smale. In a joint project with Sylvain CROVISIER and Omri SARIG we have shown that, e.g., such diffeomorphisms have finitely many ergodic measures maximizing the entropy and exhibit exponential mixing, almost sure invariance principle and many other statistical properties typical of a "spectral gap". I will try to explain how this can be proved by introducing a general notion of "strong positive recurrence".