ZOOM ID:965 2601 1530
PASSCODE: 734380
主持人: 理论科学研究院 冀诸超 博士
主讲人: 北京大学 谢俊逸 讲席教授
主讲人简介:Junyi Xie is a Chair Professor in mathematics of Peking University. His research is in arithmetic dynamics. He also works in related topics in algebraic geometry, diophantine geometry and complex dynamics.
讲座主题:The geometric Bombieri-Lang conjecture for varieties of maximal Albanese dimension
讲座摘要: This is a joint work with Xinyi Yuan. Let K=k(B) the function field a variety B over a field k of characteristic 0.
Let X be a projective variety over K. Assume that there is a finite morphism from X to an abelian variety A with trivial trace.
We show that X(K) is contained in the algebraic special subset. In particular, if further X is of general type, then X(K) is not Zariski dense.