Westlake Online Math Forum第二十一期 | Zhiyuan Li: Cycles and Sheaves on K3 surfaces

2024-09-20 14:19:47



主讲人: Zhiyuan Li, Fudan University

主讲人介绍: Zhiyuan Li is a professor at the SCMS of Fudan University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Rice University in 2012. He has been engaged in postdoctoral research in Stanford University and University of Bonn. His research is primarily in Algebraic Geometry and related areas.

讲座主题:Cycles and Sheaves on K3 surfaces

讲座摘要: In these two talks, I will discuss the theory of algebraic cycles on moduli space of sheaves on K3 surface. This work is initated from the beautiful work of Beauville and Voisin. I will explain the constructions of so called Beauville-Vosin filtrations on the Chow group of those moduli spaces and describe their relations.