主讲人: Yanqi Qiu, Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study
主讲人简介: Yanqi Qiu is a Professor at the Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was admitted to École Normale Supérieure (ENS) Paris in 2007 and completed his PhD in Mathematics at University Paris VI in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as postdoc at Aix-Marseille University. In 2015, he was selected as charge de Recherche in CNRS. In 2017, he became an Associate Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was promoted to full Professor in 2019. In 2021, he took on a part-time professorship at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University. In 2023, he became a professor at HIAS, UCAS. His research covers various areas of mathematical analysis, including functional analysis, stochastic analysis, and harmonic analysis.
讲座主题:Harmonic analysis of multiplicative chaos
讲座摘要: I will briefly recall the famous theory of multiplicative chaos, including Mandelbrot cascade theory, Kahane's Gaussian multiplicative chaos. Then I will discuss our recent works on the precise formulae for the Fourier dimensions of the Mandelbrot's canonical cascade measures, microcanonical cascade measures and Gaussian multiplicative chaos on the unit intervals. In particular, our works resolve the Mandelbrot-Kahane problem raised by Mandelbrot in 1976 and re-interated by Kahane in 1993. Our work on Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos resolve a conjecture of Garban-Vargas. This talk is based on three works with Xinxin Chen, Yong Han, Zipeng Wang (from Chongqing University) on Mandelbrot's canonical/microcanonical cascades measures and with Zhaofeng Lin, Mingjie Tan on Gaussian multiplicative chaos.