主持人:Alexey Cheskidov, ITS
主讲人: Mimi Dai, University of Illinois at Chicago
主讲人简介:Mimi Dai is a Professor in mathematics at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Mimi’s research spans a considerable range of topics in mathematical fluid dynamics, such as the Navier-Stokes of classical fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, etc. Her work encompasses regularity theory, unique solvability issues, and singularity formation scenarios, which are closely related to the global well-posedness problem of the 3D Navier-Stokes equation.
Prior to the professor position at UIC, Mimi held a visiting professorship at Princeton University. She was awarded the von Neumann Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton in 2021. She was also the recipient of the American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship in 2022. Mimi delivered the 13th Ladyzhenskaya lecture at the Max-Planck Institut at Leipzig, Germany. She was a plenary speaker at a satellite conference of the 2018 ICM.
报告题目:Onsager conjecture for SQG
摘要:In analogy with the Onsager conjecture for the Euler equation on the conservation of energy, the Onsager conjecture for the surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) equation on the conservation of Hamiltonian is a great challenge. The former has been resolved following a series of breakthroughs, employing the convex integration techniques. Joint with Giri and Radu, we present a proof of the Onsager conjecture for the SQG.