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Westlake AGNT seminar 第十期

2023-11-14 09:11:00


地点:西湖大学云谷校区E4-201 & ZOOM

ZOOM ID: 921 6725 8223


主讲人:北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院, Arnaud Plessis

报告题目:On a conjecture of Rémond

报告摘要:As a very special case of a recent (and deep) conjecture due to Rémond, we expect that points of small (logarithmic, absolute) Weil height in Q(G_div)* belong to G_div, the division group of G, provided that the latter has finite rank. So far, the only way to approach it is based on arithmetic arguments. In the first part of this talk, I will explain why these arguments don't seem suitable to attack this conjecture. Next, I will explain my new approach, which is based on equidistribution arguments over algebraic fields of infinite degree over Q.