Dynamics of entanglement and operator in black holes or the SYK model coupled to an environment

2024-04-11 09:19:46



主持人:理论科学研究院 吴从军

主讲人:维尔茨堡大学 冼卓宇

主讲人简介:ZhuoYu Xian got his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) in 2018. After that, he worked as a postdoc at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP), CAS, and the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. Recently, he is interested in holography, the SYK model, and quantum chaos.

报告题目:Dynamics of entanglement and operator in black holes or the SYK model coupled to an environment

报告摘要:We investigate the evolution of entanglement and Heisenberg operators within open and strongly coupled systems interacting with their environment, in gravity and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. In both cases, the entanglement within the system initially increases as a result of interior interactions and eventually dissipates into the environment. We also study the operator size growth in the Lindbladian SYK model and analytically obtain the suppression of the growth rate due to dissipation, which describes the quantum chaos in an open system. The dynamic behaviors of the entanglement and the operator size observed in these two models are attributable to the competition between the interior interaction of the system and the exterior interaction with the environment.