Time: 9:30-12:00, Wednesday, December 26
Venue: E4-233
Speaker: Zijun Wang
Titile: On the regularity and compactness of geometric variational elliptic systems
Abstract: In the context of differential geometry and geometric analysis, harmonic maps refer to a particular type of map between two Riemannian manifolds that minimizes a specific energy functional, and they possess various properties that can be studied. In this talk, I will primarily introduce some classical results regarding the regularity and compactness properties of harmonic maps as well as prescribed mean curvature surfaces. Finally, I will discuss my progress on related problems.
Speaker: Xuecai Ma
Title: Theory of Buildings and Applications in Number Theory
Abstract: In mathematics, a building is a combinatorial and geometric structure that simultaneously generalizes certain aspects of flag manifolds, finite projective planes, and Riemannian symmetric spaces. It was originally introduced by Tits in the 1950s. In this talk, I will first review some basic definitions and properties of the theory of buildings. Then I will discuss several applications of buildings, such as representations of reductive groups over p-adic fields, the construction of Kac-Moody groups. In the final section, I will introduce the applications of buildings in higher number theory.