层与上同调 Sheaves and cohomology

2025-03-10 09:28:38

Time: 13:30-15:55, Every Thursday of Spring 2025 Semester

Venue: E10-315

Speaker: Lifan Guan

Course Description:

The course is designed to provide an introduction to the theory of sheaves and their cohomology theory from a modern perspective, via the theory of infinity categories.

We will first give the basic definitions of sheaves and the classical six-functors formalism, which is at the heart of the study of sheaf theory. Latter, we will give a quick tour about how to think and use the theory of infinity categories as a blackbox. In particular, we will try to convice the audience, why the stable infinity categories, compared to triangulated categories, provide a much better foundation for homological algebra. Then we move to the modern treatment of the six-functors formalism, which makes an essential use of the theory of infinity categories.

Prerequisite: category theory, homological algebra, knowledge of algebraic geometry will be helpful, but not a must.