Time: 13:30-15:55, Every Tuesday of Spring 2025 Semester
Venue: E10-215
Speaker: Zhuchao Ji
Course Description:
This course will introduce basic complex dynamics, equidistribution theorems in complex dynamics, and arithmetic equidistribution theorems. In the first part, we will cover basic complex dynamics on projective spaces: positive closed currents and intersection theory, plurisubharmonic functions, Fatou and Julia sets, Green currents, and measures of maximal entropy. The second part will focus on equidistribution theorems for backward orbits of hypersurfaces in projective spaces, the Dinh-Sibony super-potential theory, and equidistribution theorems for backward orbits of subvarieties of higher codimension in projective spaces. The third part will introduce Xinyi Yuan's equidistribution theorem for points of small height under endomorphisms of projective spaces, along with a recent quantitative version of Yuan's theorem proved by Yap.