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Maximal real varieties via moduli spaces

2024-07-26 09:27:05
报告人 时间 15:30-16:30
地点 E10-312 2024
月日 07-26

Time:15:30-16:30, Friday, July 26 2024


Host: Chuanhao Wei, ITS

Speaker:Lie Fu, Université de Strasbourg

Title:Maximal real varieties via moduli spaces

Abstract: The Smith-Thom inequality implies that given an algebraic variety defined over the real numbers, the total F_2-Betti number of its real locus must be no greater than the total F_2-Betti number of the associated complex variety. A real variety is called maximal if the equality holds. It is a central question in real algebraic geometry to construct and study maximal real varieties. The available constructions in the literature are mostly for hypersurfaces or in low dimension. I will report on my recent work on a series of new constructions of maximal real varieties using moduli spaces of vector bundles or algebraic cycles on real algebraic curves and surfaces. The talk is based on arXiv: 2303.03368.