Time: 13:00-15:00, Friday, December 20
Venue: E4-201
Host: Jiyuan Han, ITS
Speaker: Linsheng Wang, Fudan University
Title: A valuative criterion of K-polystability
Abstract: If the delta invariant of a Fano manifold is greater than one, then the Fano manifold is K-stable and admits a KE metric. In this case, it admits no nontrivial holomorphic vector field. For a Fano manifold with nontrivial holomorphic vector fields, we will introduce another "delta" invariant characterizing its K-polystability. Moreover, the g-weighted version of this invariant can be used to characterizing the existence of g-solitons on a Fano manifold. As an application, we will give a family of Fano threefolds admitting g-solitons for any weight function g.