Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, January 10, 2025
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Lifan Guan, ITS
Title: On Fourier-Mukai-Nahm transformation III
Abstract: In this talk and forthcoming talks, we continue to study Mochizuki's work on the Nahm transformation of doubly periodic instantons and the application to the Fourier-Mukai transformation of holonomic D-modules on elliptic curves.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, January 3, 2025
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Lifan Guan, ITS
Title: On Fourier-Mukai-Nahm transformation II
Abstract: In this talk and forthcoming talks, we continue to study Mochizuki's work on the Nahm transformation of doubly periodic instantons and the application to the Fourier-Mukai transformation of holonomic D-modules on elliptic curves.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Thursday, December 26
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Lifan Guan, ITS
Title: On Fourier-Mukai-Nahm transformation
Abstract: In this talk and forthcoming talks, we study Mochizuki's work on the Nahm transformation of doubly periodic instantons and the application to the Fourier-Mukai transformation of holonomic D-modules on elliptic curves.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, December 20
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Xin Fu, ITS
Title: Bernstein sato polynomial and V filtration
Abstract: We introduce the Berstein sato polynomial and discuss its application on the V filtration of regular holonomic D module.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, December 6
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Chuanhao Wei, ITS
Title: Beilinson's gluing construction via D modules II
Abstract: We will use the pro-ind category introduced last time to constrcut the gluing and ungluing functors, and show they are mutually quasi-inverse equivalences.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, November 29
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Chuanhao Wei, ITS
Title: Beilinson's gluing construction via D modules
Abstract: We will construct an equivalent category of the category of holonormic D modules, via Beilinson's construction of gluing category.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, November 22
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Lifan Guan, ITS
Title: On the weight two phenomenon in nonabelian Hodge theory II
Abstract: In this talk we continue to study Simpson's work on weight two phenomenon for the moduli space of local systems on open varieties.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, November 15
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Lifan Guan, ITS
Title: On the weight two phenomenon in nonabelian Hodge theory
Abstract: In this talk we study Simpson's work on weight two phenomenon for the moduli space of local systems on open varieties.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, November 8
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Xin FU, ITS
Title: Nilpotent orbit theorem of complex variation of hodge structure II
Abstract: We continue discussing Sabbah-Schnell's approach to nilpotent orbit theorem of CVHS. This approach starts with Simpson's norm estimate for higgs fields. The other two ingredients are L2 theory and ODE with regular singularity.
Time: 9:30-11:30, Friday, November 1
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Xin FU, ITS
Title: Nilpotent orbit theorem of complex variation of hodge structure
Abstract: We discuss Sabbah-Schnell's approach to nilpotent orbit theorem of CVHS. This approach starts with Simpson's norm estimate for higgs fields. The other two ingredients are L2 theory and ODE with regular singularity.
Time: 13:00-15:00, Tuesday, October 22
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Xin FU, ITS
Title: Hodge strucutre with degenerating coefficient after Zucker
Abstract: Consider a local system from a geometric setting on a punctured Riemann surface, we discuss how to associate a functorial hodge strucutre to such data.
Time: 15:00-17:00, Tuesday, October 15
Venue: E4-201
Speaker: Xin FU, ITS
Title: Limits of hodge structure
Abstract: Consdier an one parameter family of variety f: x to y. There is a natrual VHS on the smooth locus of map f, we dicuss how to construct a mixed hodge structure as a limit of VHS after streenbrink.