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Tao Qian: Fueter's Theorem, its motivation, generalisations, applications, and restrictions

2024-05-30 09:25:06
报告人 时间 14:00-15:30
地点 E4-201 2024
月日 06-04

Time:14:00-15:30, Tuesday, June 4 2024

Venue:E4-201, Yungu Campus

Host: Zipeng Wang, ITS

Speaker:Tao Qian, Macau University of Science and Technology

Biography:钱涛,澳门科技大学教授,澳门数学研究中心主任,博士生导师。1984年博士毕业于北京大学。研究兴趣包括调和分析,信号分析,单与多复变量之复分析,四元数及Cilfford分析,随机过程等。近年来的主要研究课题为自适应Fourier分解及其应用。其中名为“瞬变信号的自适应正频率分解及算法实现”于2012获得澳门自然科学一等奖。迄今发表200余篇国际数学杂志论文,出版多部研究著作,同时担任SCI数学期刊MMAS, CAOT, CVEE编委。

Title:Fueter's Theorem, its motivation, generalisations, applications, and restrictions

Abstract:The talk will review history in relation to Fueter's theorem that induces quaternionic regular functions from holomorphic functions of one complex variable. Developments of theme will be divided into trilogy correspond to the original Fueter, Sce's generalization to odd dimensions and Qian's to all dimensions. It then be generalized to harmonic functions and laterly axial monogenic functions. Apart from motivations, generalisations, applications we also spell out the restrictions, as well as open questions.