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On local holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains

2024-07-10 09:41:45
报告人 时间 14:00-15:00
地点 E4-233 2024
月日 07-12

Time:14:00-15:00, Friday, July 12 2024

Venue:E4-233, Yungu Campus

Host: Huayi Chen, ITS

Speaker:Yuan Yuan, Syracuse University

Title:On local holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains

Abstract:The holomorphic maps between Kaehler manifolds preserving metric structures is one of the central problems in complex geometry. Inspired by the results in algebraic dynamics, the local holomorphic isometries or measure-preserving maps between bounded symmetric domains attracts substantial attention. I will describe some recent progress in this direction and the relation to CR geometry, etc.