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Finiteness results for families of plane regular polynomial automorphisms

2024-05-08 09:22:15
报告人 时间 14:00
地点 E4-233 2024
月日 05-10

Time:14:00, Friday, May 10 2024


Speaker:Yugang Zhang, Université Paris-Saclay

Title:Finiteness results for families of plane regular polynomial automorphisms

Abstract:Given a marked point of an algebraic family of rational maps on the projective line, there are infinitely many preperiodic points by Montel's theorem. As a special case, there are infinitely many torsion points on a section of a family of elliptic curves. Now given a family of simple abelian varieties of relative dimension larger than 1, the subset of torsion points are not Zariski dense in any non-torsion section, by a recent result of Gao and Habegger. We propose a dynamical analogue of this result for families of Hénon maps defined over number fields.