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Analytic method in p-adic anabelian geometry

2024-10-21 09:21:56
报告人 时间 15:00-16:00
地点 E10-215 2024
月日 10-30

Time: 15:00-16:00, Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Venue: E10-215, Yungu Campus

Speaker: Emmanuel Lepage, University Paris-Saclay

Title: Analytic method in p-adic anabelian geometry

Abstract: Anabelian geometry is concerned with the reconstruction of geometric data from fundamental groups. More specifically, I will discuss in this talk how objects from p-adic analytic geometry such as Berkovich spaces can be used in the anabelian study of curves over p-adic fields. In particular, such methods inspired the recent proof of the absolute anabelian conjecture for hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields by Mochizuki and Tsujimura. I will also give applications to the anabelian study of hyperbolic curves over algebraically closed field in mixed characteristics, where combinatorial data on the dual graphs of the stable reductions of every étale cover are added to the étale fundamental group as anabelian data.